
Sunday, March 20, 2016



Philippians 4:12-13 - Low - High: He is my Strength
Matthew 11:28-30 - Heavy laden: He takes my burden
Psalm 71:14 - Hope: Praise Him no matter what
Psalm 25: 15 - He will save no matter what
Joshua 1:9 - Be strong and courageous: God is with me always
Hebrews 13:21 - Equipping us to do His work to Bring Him glory

Imperfection is what makes us who we are. Sometimes we have to be smashed in the face before we see it, but it is always there in front of our faces, in our characters, in what we do, what we think, how we talk. Everywhere. We are made imperfect so that He could be more Perfect, that we could see His amazing and awesome glory. So we could see Him for who He is. We could see how He makes us strong by bringing His loving arms and Grace and perfection into the picture. We are made imperfect to make Him visible to all who meet us. 

Our imperfectness can be our greatest down fall as we wait for the Lord, but sometimes it is out greatest flaw because God continues to show us His love, grace, and mercy by continually helping us to stay back on the path He has set before us. What beauty in such imperfection!

But sometimes our imperfections can come down to a few words, and for me, it comes down to FEAR. 

Fear controls my life, my every waking moment, my inner turmoil, my future, my past, present day, EVERYTHING. And my Biggest fear from all that centers around Failure. Fear of failure in not writing well, in not doing my job at work well, in not babysitting well, in not loving well enough, in not accomplishing enough, in failing to love others.

But if I have learned anything in this life, I've learned that Fear is what keeps us back from God. Fear keeps us from going forward; it holds us back. Fear keeps us in the past, afraid of the future, and fearful of the life we live right now. FEAR does that to us. Fear controls. But someday you have to decide to either keep letting the fear control you or to let it all go. Letting it go can be VERY hard. VERY, VERY Hard. But sometimes our hardest situations can be our Biggest growing points in life. 

It is exactly what God is teaching me right now. He's teaching me "The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson." And we are all "products of our past, not a prisoner of it." We are products. We grow from our pasts. Our pasts are not supposed to hold us back, but push us to keep fighting, growing, and working. We need to stop looking back at the imperfections of our pasts and start using those imperfections to grow us into what God has intended for us. 

"Our Greatest fear should not be of FAILURE but of SUCCEEDING at things in life that don't really MATTER." 

Take the leap of faith and jump, right off that edge. Dive head first into glorifying God, not looking at your past, present, and future in fear, but as a future success story. Start seeing the trials as lessons, that life is to be lived and not feared, that living in the moment can often be the best thing you have ever experienced. Live for the now and not the past. LIVE. Life is precious and sacred, don't waste it by fearing it. Don't let your imperfections keep you from living the life God gave you to live. Love life and live it. 

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