
Monday, March 30, 2015

Lions and Butterflies

What do lions mean to you? What is significant about them? Why are they so majestic? 
Look at the picture below. Study it. How does it make you feel?

Lions are a significant part of an encouraging note for me. Ever since I fell in love with the series, The Chronicles of Narnia, written by C.S. Lewis, I have grown to love lions to the point they are now my favorite animal. I see them as a strong force against the onslaught of harsh reality and the turmoil of life. They signify the ability to step up, raise their head proud, and stand firm against the tidal wave   of fear, sadness, anxiety, depression, brokenness, overwhelm, and more.

If I could, I would paint a huge lions head on the wall of my bedroom, a huge symbol to live every day in courage, strength, and standing firm in what I believe and strong against the forces seeking to pull me down from success.

Lions = Courage and Strength

What do they mean to you? Do they signify anything special? What do you think of when you see a butterfly?

Butterflies are also another significant, meaningful, and special animal for me. Since the loss of my first nephew, almost seven years ago, butterflies became a real part of life for me.

Butterflies, because of their singularly majestic but fragile bodies and wings, remind me of the fragile beauty of LIFE. Yes, life. Life is precious. It is a gift that we so often throw away because we cannot see the full picture. We often become caught in the snares of trying to live for success, trying to know and understand the universe, seeking to fully rise to our heights potential without any help, wanting to have everything when we already have enough and so much more.

We take advantage of what the Lord has provided us with. We think life is expendable. Something we can do away with in a blink of an eye, without any thought, discarding it in the trash like it's no big deal. When actually, life is so much more precious. It's a treasure, a gift, the most prized possession we could ever have.

Life, like a butterfly is fragile, majestic, gorgeous, something to cradle in your hands in awe instead of squashing it under your foot. Your life is too important to let it go. Hold onto it tightly, with every ounce of strength you have. Don't throw it away just because you don't think your life is worth living. You are so precious. You are loved. Your LIFE is important! Your LIFE is a GIFT.

Butterflies = Life. Fragile, majestic LIFE.

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