
Friday, August 28, 2015

Life. Learning New Things. Vulnerable.

I haven't written in forever because I've allowed life to keep me from doing what I love most - Writing. I'm learning that no matter how busy life is, I still need to try to write. 

I finished writing and editing my book this summer. With a few more read throughs, I'm hoping to send my book into an ebook company and printing company here in town!! I'm very excited to see my book finished and published soon! Finally finished after two years! :) 

I've been sitting here and staring at this blog post for two hours now and I have yet to find the words to describe what's been going on in my life. I'm just going to say I'm learning that all the years I've spent stuffing my emotions and covering up how I really feel have finally come back to bite me in the butt. God has been using close friends to teach me how to open up and become more vulnerable. It's been life altering and very eye opening to see how much junk I've stuffed down instead of released at the time emotions and situations occurred. Life is very bumpy right now, my moods swing from happy to depressed within hours - depressed the stronger emotion as of late. But God is teaching me to let go of the stress, the anger, the worry, the anxiety, the sadness, the loneliness, the craziness of life and let HIM take over. 

There is so much more going on than just those few words, but that's all I can put into words right now. It's taking a long time to rip my walls down and show the real me. The me that can't continue to fake being fine. The real me that is broken, ripped, falling apart. The real me that is trying to let go and let God come and pick up the pieces and put me back together.  

I don't have words of encouragement other than what others have offered me, but perhaps someone will find encouragement. Someone will know they are not alone. Because you aren't. There is always someone else going through the same thing you are, and God is always by our side. 

"The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long."

"Your skin isn't paper
don't cut it
Your face isn't a mask
don't cover it
Your size isn't a book
don't judge it
Your life isn't it a film
don't end it

For God has not given us a 
spirit of fear, but of power
and of love and of a 
sound mind."
2 Tim. 1:7

be brave enough to surrender to HIM."

is the one 


"Pray Persistently
So many times, when we reach the end of our rope, we turn to prayer, but when our prayers are not instantly answered, we give up. Today, I want to encourage you to not only pray, but to pray persistently. Don't stress out trying to make things happen on your own. Give it all to God as you pray."

"Upon the palms of my hands I have written your name."
Isaiah 49:16

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