
Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Power of Bravery

I wrote the following piece last July on my old website, but wanted to re-share it.
I’m sitting or rather standing at my desk, editing my novel and the song “Brave” by Sara Bareilles comes on my Pandora station. I am writing a section in my story where my two characters have to learn to be brave, courageous, encouragers for each other, and display strength even when they want to run and hide. 
Bravery is such a powerful characteristic to have. To have the strength to step out of the fear holding you back and to step forward. Knowing how dangerous stepping out can be, but accepting the challenge. It makes you realize that sometimes the first step is often the breaking point for others. That one act of bravery can open the gate to allow others to step out and accept the challenges set before them. 
I struggle often with being fearful. Fearful of the future, of people not liking my book, of not finding editor and publisher, of not having enough money to get by, of having to pay an exorbitant amount of money on medical insurance, of always being single, of always feeling like I’m stuck in a rut while I watch everyone around me grow up, Marry, have kids, and move on with their life. 
The more I hold tight to my fears, the harder it is to grasp the concept that everything will work out. My fear has become my crippler, holding me back from moving forward. 
Bravery. It’s that step out of what you are used to, even if what you are used to is holding desperately to the fear of life. 
Bravery to not fear the unknown, to no longer allow the chains of fear and doubt to hold you down.
Bravery- to have the FAITH to cross the line of timidity and enter the path of courageous. Seeking God’s voice over the voice of my fear. Listening to God's direction instead of the doubts I hold within. The ability to release the fear and doubts, running straight toward unfettered freedom of the unknown. The strength to fight off the pain of the past and to look ever forward toward the path God has set before me. 
Are you brave enough to destroy the chains holding you down? 
Am I brave enough to shut off my fear and doubt and step out, accepting the challenge God has set before me? 
"There are far far better things ahead than any we leave behind." C.S. Lewis
“Those who move forward with a happy Spirit will find that things always work out.”
“If you could see your situation through God’s eyes, you wouldn’t be worried.” 
"Let your FAITH be BIGGER than you Fear."
Bravery, Dear hearts, the courage to be brave.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Encouraging Quote to Newbie Writers

I can't tell you how many times a week I freak out over being a writer. Writing is something I DEFINITELY want to do and can see myself doing for the rest of my life, but then I get discouraged. Do I have the skills to be a good writer? Will I be able to publish with an agent and publisher or will I have to end up self-publishing? Will people like my book? What if family and close friends hate my book, can I handle that? I can see myself published, but will that actually come true or not? 

I remember everyone telling me I had to think positive when I was writing my first book. If I believed I could do it, then I could! If I pictured myself published, then it was going to happen! Which sounded great, except…could I do it? If I didn’t think I could, was I doomed to fail? What if I was almost totally sure I would fail? I am here to tell you—what matters is sticking with it.
— Holly Black (via writingquotes)


I found this insightful little blog from my old tumblr account. Hope it gives you a little burst of encouragement just like it gave me. 
As I’m reading a new devotional book this morning, I came across these words which truly hit home, like a smack in the face to wake up to reality instead of dancing along in my own little world. 
From the book Praying God’s Word by Beth Moore:
"The Giant step in the walk of faith is the one we take when we decide God no longer is a part of our lives. He is Our LIFE." 
"Why does God allow us to spend so much of life in the heat of battle? Because He never meant for us to sip His Spirit like a proper cup of tea. He meant for us to hold our sweating heads over the fountain and lap up His life with unquenchable thirst."
Faith- holding strong to a belief and never once taking a step off from the path set before us. 
Leap of Faith- accepting the ability of not seeing what is to come, but still stepping out and walking the path instead of turning tail and running away.


The premise beyond my next novel....

Sometimes we all have to hit rock bottom before we can see the destruction of our sins.
They are monsters. The question is can we battle these monstrous sins alone like we think we can or will we finally realize we need a hand from God?
We are all chained by sin but all given the chance to break the chains of bondage with the help of our Great Savior. Do we have the forgiveness for ourselves and the self-discipline to rise above the darkness constantly seeking to drag us down? Do we have the ability to move past some of our more hated sins? Will we want to give up some sins or cling to them because it's a safety zone? Is it easier or harder to conquer a sin? But once conquered do we see how treacherous the sin truly was and praise the Lord for rescuing us from further destruction?

How long does it take us to truly see the deadliness of our wickedness?

Sunday, January 11, 2015

We have a phrase in my family for when times get hard, “when it rains, it pours.” Generally we say this when something big has gone wrong and more things continue to go wrong after that one major event.
You may be wondering why I’m telling you this, but it’s because we are going through such a time right now.
When we first moved into our new house late last year, it felt like we constantly were fixing something wrong. Other things have developed since then, complicating life and so the phrase, “when it rains, it pours” has constantly been quoted for the past several months.
Well, lately I've been to realize that life is always going to knock us down, we just have to learn to fight back, to pick ourselves right back up off the floor and dust ourselves off. God did not give us the trials we have so that we complain about them all the time. God gives us trials so we live how to rely on Him and praise Him no matter how rough life is. So, I've come to the decision, that complaining about all the problems and things going wrong, needs to stop. Complaining isn’t getting me anywhere and most certainly not helping anyone.
So here is to the blessings I have right now:
I have a place to live
I have a house
A roof over my head
I have a bed
I have many things to help me survive and do my job
We have a swimming pool
We have really nice neighbors
Even when there are tears, there is laughter
Even when we are angry we find away to become happy
I have a fixed car and money to pay for it
I have a job and wonderful people I work with
I have a wonderful relationship with my sister
My cousin and I are so close, it is like we are sisters
I have many friends who support me and love me
I have learned how to laugh even during the hard times
Even with as little money that I have, I still am able to find a way to have fun
I have a wonderful supportive family both near and far
My brother talks to me
My sister in law loves me
My brother in law considers me to be a little sister
My niece and nephews are the most precious and adorable children in the world (totally not being bias! 😉)
I am healthy, as healthy as can be expected
I am not sick in a hospital or dying of cancer
I have the ability to write
I have a God who gave me that ability and the stories to share with others
I have a direction my life is going, even though I don’t see too far ahead
I have Faith
I am Forgiven
I am Loved
I am cherished
I am God’s daughter
I am Saved
I have the ability to shine in the world around me
I have been graced with saving grace by the one who has Saved me
I am His
"The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it." John 1:5
So here is to learning how to not complain. Here is to excepting the situation and job I have and being grateful for it. Here is to being positive in my thinking and not negative. Here is to changing my way of thinking and looking at life. Here is to change. To excepting where I am in life. To living more positively. To living joyfully!